Anlässlich meiner sportlichen Herausforderung unterstütze ich Kinder in Not. Helfen Sie mir, mein Ziel zu erreichen!
Die gemeinsam beschafften Mittel werden in das gewählte Programm für Kinder investiert.
Besten Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
Terre des hommes has been present in Ukraine since 2015 and is following with great concern the escalation in the country, which is already taking a heavy toll on children and young people, weakened by years of tension in the Donbass. We are very concerned for their safety and for their physical and mental integrity.
With the safety of our staff assured for the moment, we are doing our utmost to try to maintain our activities in the country and to respond to the growing needs of the children.
Comment action
Sunday 20 March 2022
Ich habe eine Spende gemacht. Jetzt seid ihr dran!