Hi friends, family and colleagues,

We - Misia & Laura - challenged ourselves to run the Zurich half-marathon on April 10th, and we thought, since we're going to sweat, we might as well sweat for a good reason... So, we'll be running to support children in needs and their mothers, a cause supported by the charity Terre des Hommes. And you know us, we like to go for the best, so Terre des Hommes is also the leading Swiss organization helping the cause of children, with years and years of experience in making a difference across the entire globe.

Our goal is to collect CHF 1'000. That may seem like a lot and that's because it is! CHF 1'000 can do as much as:
give treatments to 13 severly malnourished kids,
or allow 7 kids to go to school and escape from exploitation,
or give 7 refugee families psychological-social treatment & support
or supply 12 kids with school supplies to go to school for year
or provide 2 families with emergency kits incl. blankets, food and basic necessities
... we could keep going but I think you got our point: CHF 1'000 is enough to make a difference!

But for that, we need your help: sponsor our run by making a small donation to our campaign. The total sum collected will then be sent out automatically to Terre des Hommes, on the condition that we pass the finish line - and that's our promise to you. We'll do the running and you do the supporting :)

Big big thanks,
Misia & Laura

Chaque jour, 16'000 enfants meurent avant l’âge de cinq ans. Vous pouvez aider à réduire la mortalité infantile et à améliorer le bien-être des mères et de leurs enfants. 

Zewo certified
En notre qualité d'organisation certifiée par la Fondation ZEWO, nous garantissons l'utilisation judicieuse et scrupuleuse des dons que vous nous confiez.
Où vont vos dons ?
81% des dons sont affectés directement à nos programmes, donc aux enfants. Les frais administratifs sont limités au maximum.

Partagez votre campagne

Invitez vos amis, votre famille et vos collègues à soutenir votre campagne. Partagez-la sur les réseaux sociaux ou par e-mail !
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Le suivi de votre campagne

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